Monday, November 9, 2009

Season 2, Episode #2

Special guest: "Big" Al. Gill's Olympic trivia, favorite board games, and the worst/most uncomfortable final 15 minutes in show history, backing up the theory that exposure to large quantities of ale before the show leads to a sudden "tapering-off". Delicate ears should exercise caution.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Season 2, Episode #1

First show of the second season! Songs NOT to play at your wedding, Gill's Weekly Trivia, and much much more.

After a critically acclaimed first season, the boys are back for the first time since the summer break as they embark on Season #2.

Refreshed? Invigorated? Poised? Incredibly stupid? You're gawddamn right!

Now that they are back at it, you can look forward to more regular updates. With that, they desperately want/need your feedback. Got a gripe? Want to comment? Do you feel like you want to tell them their show sucks? Then please feel free to write to them at They read all mail and back down from nobody...except for that little old lady from Iowa who once wrote, "You guys suck! The audio quality is horrid. Your topics are childish. Your delivery is unprofessional. You sound like your entire purpose for doing a show is so you can get together and drink. Edward R. Murrow is rolling in his grave. Now that is a broadcaster. Why, back in my day we had to walk to school in our bare feet...." Well, you get the picture.