Saturday, February 14, 2009

Season 1, Episode 5

Listener Emails, Top 5 Vacation/Party spot, Special Guest: a chemist, drinking countries, Spam, Spam, Spam and more!

MP3 File


  1. You guys continue to amaze me. Each week you roll out fresh, intriguing topics. Yet you still stay in touch with past topics. Your expose on wiping directions has captured the imagination of an entire nation.
    Bless you boys.

  2. Great show. It's about time you had a guest that actually knows something. The Dr. is a nice addition. First off, Mescal is made from the maguay cactus, tequila is made from agave. Second, Why are all your accents the same? British, Russian, Polish, Chinese. They all sound like an old Bennie the Hill lady. Finally, for the next show I think you need to do a segment on Hot or Not. Or maybe a Would You Bang Her segment. You can bring up ladies like Pat Summit, Oprah, Flow from the Progressive insurance commercials, Joan Rivers etc. And ask the question to the panel if they would mount them.

    If you like Captain Morgans, you will love Admiral Nelsons. Same taste, half the price.

    Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll!!!!!
    Harry Taco

  3. Triscuitdecaphobia: The fear of Sandy Duncan

    Is that a urinal over Jake's right shoulder? If so, you're a GENIUS!!!

  4. First Time Listener, First Time Commenter here. When I first seen the picture I thought I had stumbled upon a Chippendale's reunion site but then I noticed the majority of you seem to be straight. Then I noticed how eloquent your speech is and how insightful your topics are. Couldn't be Chippendale.

  5. Awesome, and even Mike Henry can spell. What a great blog.

  6. Future topics:
    drunk stories
    Thongs showing good/bad
    Politics: do we need it

  7. Tea bag lessons from you parents... Brilliant!

    Back to front

  8. things were going good until the doctor showed up

  9. Helluva show! Entertaining and intellectual commentary on some very interesting topics. Keep up the good work fellas!


  10. Hell of a show. Very interesting topics. Especially the ass wipe topics. Keep up the good work. You guys look like former porn stars.
