Friday, March 6, 2009

Season 1, Episode 7

More email, Hole in One!, colloquialisms, drinking games, WD-40 and much more!

MP3 File


  1. Are the Reeses monkeys filled with peanut butter?

    Didn't John Bobbit have an organ grinder?

  2. You guys ever take a crap so big your pants fit better afterward? Look forward to your answer!

  3. Fish oil.....that would explain why you never see anything stuck to a fish.

  4. I just used WD40 on my office chair...the squeak is gone!!!

    We used to play a drinking game using the video game NBA Jams (on Sega Genesis). Every time you dunked the ball your opponent had to take a drink and every time you hit a 3-pointer your opponent had to chug a drink for 3 seconds. Probably not gonna help you score with a chick unless she likes video games, but it is a fun way to get sloppy drunk!

    By the way…was that the late great outlaw Waylon Jennings I heard at the end of the show?

  5. Have you guys ever heard of the "Infinite Monkey Theorem"? It says that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. Having said that, do you think that if you three monkeys do enough shows, one of them might actually be good?
    Just kidding. Keep up the good work guys!

  6. Most Esteemed Poop-Throwing Anthropoids -

    I was wondering if I might get a question answered?

    Is it truly possible to go blind by pleasuring yourself too much? My parents told me this when I was younger, yet I still have twenty-fifteen vision. Yes, I've had LASIK, but that shouldn't matter should it?
