Saturday, March 28, 2009

Season 1, Episode #9

First report from our CBC (Chief Beer Correspondent), Pauly Taco in Studio!, Wrestling Trivia, Top 5 Earning Dead Celebrities, general what-not.


  1. Pauly Taco, the fact that you purchased a pair of Mark McGwire pants that had a rip in them from him stealing a base is quite remarkable. Looking at the stats, Big Mac stole only 12 bases in his 16 seasons. You, my friend, have a treasure on your hands no matter what your "friends" say. Nice purchase.

  2. Dr. Craven MooreheadApril 17, 2009 at 11:06 AM

    Love the show. Long time listener, first time commenter. I especially enjoyed your report from the Chief Beer Correspondent. I have a question for him.
    Is beer like wine in the fact that some wines go great with certain foods? Specifically, is there a beer that goes great with, say, chicken wings..but not with pizza? Is there a special beer to have when eating Spam?
    I'll hang up and listen for your answer.
