Saturday, March 14, 2009

Season 1, Episode 8

Exciting announcement of two additions to the Monkey Staff, Irish Trivia, More Friday the 13th facts, #2 Euphemisms and so much more!

MP3 File


  1. Due to your repeated references to my hairiness, Gillette offered me an endorsement deal last week. However, the deal fell through because I look too much like the caveman from the Geico commercials.

    Anyways…the euphemisms were hilarious. I laughed so hard I almost “blew mud.”

    I've got to go take some aspirin, head is pounding from too much Irish Nectar last night!

  2. I'm not sure what a oyster roast is, but I've been to bearded clam bake!

  3. So, if St. Patrick's Day is the same day every year, why is Easter on a different day every year? Does it have something to do with when the Pope sees his shadow?

  4. Really enjoy the list of terms! Here's a couple of my favorites:

    Term for a Lesbian: Vagitarian

    The sex change operation from female to male: Addadicktomy

  5. You know, when you have that split pee stream, you can write your first and last name in the snow at the same time! That's talent!!
